Tuesday, 8 November 2011

About a new camera and a resolution

 If you have been reading this blog over the past months you may have noticed a (hopefully) better quality in the images I've posted recently. It is all about a new camera. This one.

Up until mid October I used to take all the pictures with a 'point and shoot' camera, and though I found it extremely practical I felt it quite limiting. No manual function. No lenses. I knew a digital reflex camera would help me progress futher in my food-photography 'apprenticeship'.

I'd been dreaming about it for months, and had been browsing through websites and photography-related blogs, looking for information and reviews, trying to figure out the best option. I felt quite confused reading all that technical stuff and couldn't figure out exactly what I needed. Talking to people - both professionals and amateurs - helped a lot. ..and borrowing their camera for a couple of hours was as exciting as helpful (grazie Cecilia, grazie Elena, e grazie zio Didi per la pazienza!).

I have to thank a special friend, though, for giving me the right information at he right time. Thank you Angela!
I bought both camera and lenses (Canon EF-S 18/55 mmSigma 70mm f/2.8 Macro)  from a second-hand shop in Milan (here, to be more precise). How lucky I was to find there what I needed. I couldn't really believe that!

Anyway, having a new camera doesn't make you a professional photographer and thus I made a resolution: to practice with the new camera as soon as I had some spare time. Unfortuately, as it always happens with this kind of resolutions, my plans got messed up by several adverse conditions.

I shot all the images you see in the post a week ago. The last sunny day before it started raining. And raining. And raining. It still does. (Heavy rains and floods caused major problems in Northern Italy this week - as you may read here - with Torino and Genova being the most damaged cities).
As if it wasn't enough, our daughter M. got ill. Nothing serious, bur still, the poor girl spent many sleepless nights coughing and sneezing...and many long homely afternoons with me on the sofa, watching The Little Marmaid over and over again. No appetite. No cooking. No photographying.

I am quite happy she is recovering though, and according to the weather forecast tomorrow the rain will stop.


angy said...

che foto stupende!! bellissime! l'attenzione ai particolari e ai colori sono proprie di un'anima sensibilissima (e di un buon occhio..

Anonymous said...

foto stupende, bellissime davvero!
l'attenzione ai particolari e ai colori sono propri di un' anima sensibile (e di un occhio che sà 'vedere')..

Roberta said...

Grazie di cuore Angy, sei un tesoro!Un bacio grande

Laura said...

Roberta, ho anch'io comprato una macchina digitale da poco, o relativamente poco. C'e' cosi' tanto da imparare, cento funzioni, e tanti soggetti diversi. La cosa divertente e' che quando cominci non riesci a fermarti, vedi il mondo come soggetto da fotografare.


Roberta said...

Grazie per essere passata e aver lasciato un commento, Laura!
Sono assolutamente d'accordo con te... tanto da imparare ma anche tanto divertimento!
A presto spero,

Cristina, from Buenos Aires to Paris said...

Woww!!! The new photos are amazing...partly because of the new camera, but also (and I think most important) you have a photographic eye!!
Can't wait to see what's coming next !!!

Roberta said...

Thank you for your sweet comment Cristina, you really made my day!

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